How can a Criminal Solicitor Help You?


If you have been accused of a crime of any sort, it is crucial that you consult with a criminal defence lawyer.

You may think that you can adequately represent yourself, or as you are only accused of a minor misdemeanour it is not worth contacting a professional law firm, but this is far from the case.

Many people look back in years to come and wish they had taken a different approach to their criminal case for a number of different reasons, many of which were avoidable.

A criminal record can make finding a job, starting a business, or acquiring a loan extremely difficult, even for the most innocuous of crimes.

Given that using a professional criminal defence lawyer significantly increases the chances of acquittal, it is always worth consulting one to give yourself the best chance of avoiding a permanent record.

Many people are unsure what a criminal defence lawyer actually does, as Scotland’s criminal law firm, at Aamer Anwar we have put together this guide explaining just what a defence solicitor can do to help those accused of a crime.

Navigating the Legal Process

Many people requiring the assistance of a criminal defence lawyer have never before been accused of a criminal offence and may not be aware of the often complex to understand nature of the legal system.

It is the responsibility of a criminal defence lawyer to ensure that their client understands exactly what is going on at every stage.

If accused of a crime your lawyer should make sure you are aware of the situation that you are in, explaining your options and making recommendations as to the best course of action based upon their years of experience in the industry.

They will also explain the consequences of accepting a plea bargain or settlement offered by the prosecution that whilst appealing attractive, may contain clauses or complications that cause trouble down the line.

The value of having a professional eye going through any legal documents with a fine tooth comb and explaining exactly what you are getting yourself into is an invaluable tool in this scenario.

Negotiating on your behalf

When all is said and done the job of a criminal defence lawyer Glasgow is to ensure that you are able to achieve the best possible outcome based upon the specifics of the case.

Whether this is a complete acquittal, settling out of court, avoiding a custodial sentence, or reducing your jail time upon appeal, a lawyer will fight all the way on your behalf, leaving no doubt that every possible avenue was explored.

To do this, lawyers must be expert negotiators, often working against the odds to do deals that favour their clients with prosecutors, or to convince a judge to be more lenient in their sentencing.

Instead of consulting with a professional, some people decide to embark on the legal process alone, often leading to them being overwhelmed with opposing lawyers taking advantage of their lack of experience to seek longer harsher sentences that were necessary.

For this reason, it is highly recommended that you also seek the negotiating expertise of a respected criminal defence lawyer the moment you are accused of a crime of any kind.

Investigating your case

A criminal defence lawyer should be able to get a good idea of the details associated with a case simply by talking to their client, but their investigation shouldn’t stop there.

Attention to detail is everything when it comes to criminal law and going through all the detail of the case and the evidence provided by the prosecution is crucial to building an effective defence.

Investigating a case can involve finding new witnesses, questioning existing witnesses, and generally exploring every avenue that may be used to help acquit their client.

Many cases are thrown out almost as soon as they have begun thanks to the investigative efforts of a defence lawyer who locates new evidence or information that undermines the evidence forming the foundations of the prosecution.

Finding a criminal defence lawyer who is renowned for their attention to detail and in-depth investigative skills is, therefore, a vital part of searching for the best legal representation available.

Contact Aamer Anwar & Co

Aamer Anwar & Co are Scotland’s highest profile law firm with a team of award winning lawyers offering unrivalled criminal defence services to a huge range of customers every year.

We know just how traumatising and stressful being detained or questioned by the police can be so the wellbeing of our clients is always our biggest priority, and no case is too big or too small for us to handle.

We are open 24/7 365 days of the year meaning that if you need us, we will always be there to help, with experienced lawyers primed to help those facing criminal charges.

For more information on our services or to book your legal consultation, today contact us by phone on 0141 429 7090, or by email at