8 Ways Security Companies Protect New Construction Projects

Posted on March 22, 2024March 25, 2024Categories blog

Security companies play a pivotal role in the security planning and risk assessment of new developments or construction projects by offering a comprehensive array of services designed to mitigate risks and ensure a secure environment.

Cyber security

Their involvement begins with the preliminary stages of a project and extends through to its completion, covering various aspects of security and safety. Below are key roles and services provided by security companies in this context:

1. Risk Assessment and Security Planning

Security companies conduct thorough risk assessments to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities associated with the construction site or new development. This initial step is crucial for developing a tailored security plan that addresses specific security needs and challenges. They consider various factors, including location, type of construction, and potential threats, to create a robust security for construction sites strategy.

2. 24/7 Protection

Recognizing that construction sites are often targeted for theft due to valuable materials and equipment, security companies provide round-the-clock protection. This may involve stationary guards, mobile patrols, and surveillance systems to deter unauthorized access and criminal activities .

3. Access Control

Effective access control is implemented to ensure that only authorized personnel can enter the site. This includes managing entry points, verifying identifications, and monitoring the flow of people and vehicles to and from the site. It helps in preventing unauthorized access and maintaining a secure environment .

4. Monitoring and Surveillance

Security companies employ the latest in surveillance technology, including CCTV systems, to monitor the site continuously. This enables them to detect and respond to security breaches in real-time, providing an additional layer of security. Advanced systems may include motion detection technology and remote monitoring capabilities .

5. Emergency Response and Coordination

In the event of an emergency, such as a fire or security breach, security personnel are trained to respond effectively to minimize threats and coordinate with emergency services. Their presence ensures a structured evacuation process and helps in managing the situation until authorities arrive .

6. Theft and Vandalism Prevention

By deterring potential intruders and implementing strict access controls, security companies play a vital role in preventing theft and vandalism. Their visible presence acts as a deterrent, while their ability to respond quickly to any incidents helps protect the site’s assets .

7. Safety and Health Compliance

Security personnel also ensure that safety and health regulations are adhered to on the construction site. They assist in identifying potential hazards, ensuring safety measures are in place, and contributing to a safe working environment for all personnel .

8. Liaison with Law Enforcement and Emergency Services

Security companies often have established relationships with local law enforcement and emergency services, which can be crucial in the event of an incident. They can facilitate faster response times and ensure that accurate information is communicated to authorities .

In summary, security companies offer comprehensive services that encompass risk assessment, site protection, access control, and emergency response, among others. Their expertise and resources are indispensable for ensuring the safety and security of new developments and construction projects, ultimately safeguarding the project’s assets, workers, and the surrounding community.

Local Tyre Fitting Companies vs Nationwide Chains

Posted on February 22, 2024February 22, 2024Categories Business

When it comes to tyre fitting services, motorists have the option to choose between local tyre fitting companies and nationwide chains.

tyre fitting and suspension

Each option offers its own set of advantages and considerations, influencing your decision based on factors like convenience, service quality, and cost. Let’s delve into the distinctions between these two choices, helping you make an informed decision for your tyre needs.

Local Tyre Fitting Companies: Personalised Service Close to Home

Local tyre fitting companies are often characterized by their personalized approach to service. Being smaller operations, they can offer a level of attention and care that is sometimes missing in larger chains. Here’s what sets local tyre fitters apart:

Community Connection

Local tyre fitting services Edinburgh are deeply integrated into their communities, often resulting in a more personal connection with their customers. This relationship can lead to a high level of trust and a better understanding of customer needs.

Flexible and Customised Service

With a focus on customer satisfaction, local tyre fitters may offer more flexible services tailored to individual needs. This can include accommodating last-minute requests or providing bespoke advice based on local driving conditions.

Supporting Local Economy

Choosing a local tyre fitting service contributes to the local economy, supporting jobs and businesses within your community. This aspect is particularly appealing to those who prioritize the impact of their spending on their immediate surroundings.

Nationwide Businesses: Consistency and Convenience Across the Board

Nationwide tyre fitting chains offer the benefit of a recognizable brand and the convenience of locations across the country. Their services are standardized, ensuring a consistent level of quality and availability wherever you might be. Key advantages include:

Wide Availability

With branches in most major towns and cities, nationwide companies offer the convenience of services wherever you are, ideal for those who travel frequently or need tyre services outside their local area.

Extensive Services and Facilities

Larger chains often have the resources to provide a wide range of services and can handle a high volume of customers efficiently. They may also offer more sophisticated diagnostic equipment and facilities.

Competitive Pricing and Deals

Due to their size, nationwide businesses can sometimes offer more competitive pricing, promotions, and deals on tyres and services. This can be a significant advantage for customers looking for the best value.

Making the Right Choice

The decision between a local tyre fitting company and a nationwide business often comes down to personal preferences and priorities. If personalized service and supporting the local economy are important to you, a local fitter might be the right choice. On the other hand, if you value the convenience of nationwide availability and potentially lower prices, a larger chain could better meet your needs.

Both local tyre fitting companies and nationwide businesses have their unique advantages. By considering factors such as the level of personalized service, convenience, pricing, and the importance of supporting local businesses, you can choose the option that best aligns with your values and needs.

What Do British Cockroaches Look Like?

Posted on February 19, 2024February 19, 2024Categories Business

Despite common belief, cockroaches are pretty common in the UK and do a lot of damage considering their small size. At St Helens Pest Control we deal with a lot more  British cockroaches can be unsettling visitors in our homes and businesses, thriving in warm, damp environments close to food sources. Let’s shed some light on these less-than-welcome guests.

cockroach infestation

Common Types of Cockroaches in the UK

In the UK, the most commonly encountered cockroach species are the German cockroach (Blattella germanica) and the Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis). Each species has distinct characteristics that can help in their identification.

German Cockroach:

  • Size: Small, about 13 to 16 mm long.
  • Colour: Light brown to tan, with two dark stripes running from the head to the base of the wings, though they rarely fly.
  • Habitat: Prefers warm and humid environments. Often found in kitchens and bathrooms, they can rapidly infest various areas of a home or commercial building.

Oriental Cockroach:

  • Size: Larger than the German cockroach, measuring about 20 to 25 mm long.
  • Colour: Dark brown to almost black.
  • Habitat: Prefers cooler, damp areas. Commonly found in basements, drains, and other less-heated areas of buildings.

Identification and Behaviour

Cockroaches are nocturnal, making them more challenging to spot during the day. They are highly resilient and can survive in a variety of environments, but they particularly thrive in conditions where food, moisture, and warmth are readily available. Cockroaches are not only a concern due to their unsettling presence but also because they are carriers of various pathogens, contributing to the spread of diseases and triggering allergic reactions in some individuals.

The Unique Characteristics of Cockroaches

Cockroaches have several unique traits that set them apart from other pests:

Durability: They are known for their incredible survival abilities, including living for up to a week without their head.

Speed: Cockroaches can move exceptionally quickly, covering up to 3 miles in a single day if necessary .

Health Risk: They are among the worst insect pests for triggering asthma and allergies due to a specific protein they carry, which acts as an allergen .

The Importance of Control and Prevention

The presence of cockroaches in British homes and businesses is not to be taken lightly. Their ability to spread diseases, coupled with their rapid breeding cycles, means that a small problem can quickly escalate into a full-blown infestation. Professional pest control services are often required to effectively manage and eradicate cockroach populations, using methods tailored to the specific species and the environment in which they are found.

Overall, while the sight of cockroaches in the UK might not be as common as in other parts of the world, their presence is nonetheless a significant concern. Identifying these pests correctly and taking prompt action can help protect your home or business from the health risks and damage they pose. If you suspect you have a cockroach infestation, it’s crucial to consult with a professional pest control expert to address the problem efficiently and safely.

The benefits of construction site CCTV

Posted on September 21, 2023September 21, 2023Categories Business

CCTV monitoring is absolutely integral to the security of any modern construction site, allowing you to track ongoing activity, monitor process efficiency and, most importantly, protect yourself against criminal activity.

Modern construction site CCTV systems such as CCTV towers from the experts over at Trust Hire, are packed with powerful features designed to make your life a whole lot easier, and your site a whole lot more secure.

The cost of theft, vandalism and other criminal activity costs the UK construction industry around £800m every year, something that gives construction site managers across the nation plenty of sleepless nights. With the right CCTV system in place you can kick back and relax, safe in the knowledge that you will be alerted the minute a security breach is detected and every movement on your site will be tracked and recorded.

cctv sign

Why is CCTV so important on construction sites?

CCTV is a valuable tool for any business to have, but nowhere is it more essential than in the construction industry. A relatively open area with highly valuable tools, equipment, and materials stored and used on a daily basis? Prime target for criminals and trespassing is an ever present threat.

Whilst they all share these same key threats which must be guarded against, there are no two construction sites the same, and every location has its own unique requirements. A unique CCTV system is required to match and it is the task of the site manager and the security firm they work with to identify the perfect system and oversee its implementation.

Types of construction site CCTV

CCTV comes in many different shapes and sizes and the very first thing you need to identify is which system is best suited to your needs.

Some of the most popular CCTV systems are:

Fixed CCTV

The most common type of CCTV on business sites, fixed CCTV is not always suitable for construction projects. The reason for this is that they tend to be quite expensive to install and are a more long-term investment than is required for construction project. The other main reason is that they require a fully operation mains electricity connection, something that isn’t always available on construction sites, especially those in remote locations.

CCTV Towers

All of the potential issues fixed CCTV has in relation to use on construction sites are solved by CCTV towers. They are battery powered, meaning no mains connection is needed, and they can be deployed and moved in an instant, making them ideal for the ever-changing nature of construction projects.

Footage from CCTV towers can be transmitted directly to your mobile as well, meaning you can check your site whenever you feel like it.

Access Control

CCTV built into the access control gate of a construction site lets your security team remotely verify the identity of a person attempting to gain entry to the site.

Top of the range systems use biometric technology to confirm identities automatically using facial recognition or fingerprint recognition.

What is the difference between security guards and bouncers?

Posted on July 27, 2023July 27, 2023Categories Business

Security guards and bouncers both keep people safe, protect properties, and are often stationed at the front entrance of the building they are tasked with defending.

Many people believe them to be the exact same thing but they do actually both hold very different responsibilities and require different skillsets in order to be successful. If you are thinking of becoming a security guard or bouncer, or are looking to hire professional security for your property, it is vital that you know the difference between the two.

guard patrol

Security Guards

Security guards work in any number of different settings across the UK, protecting retail stores, construction sites, shopping centres, theatres, and much more besides. They are tasked with keeping the property secure, controlling security technologies such as CCTV and alarm systems, and keeping those on site safe. They may also be asked to perform some non-security concierge duties such as answering customer questions, taking phone calls, and directing visitors where they need to go.

The main responsibilities of the average security guard in the UK are:
  • Controlling access to the property to prevent unauthorised access.
  • Carrying out routine patrols to make sure everything is good on site.
  • Monitoring activity using CCTV cameras
  • Controlling large crowds of people
  • Responding to alarm activations and overseeing the evacuation of the building if required.


Bouncers, also known as door supervisors, specialise in security in the hospitality and entertainment industries. The biggest difference between the two roles is that bouncers are qualified to operate on licenced premises where alcohol is served. Some of the places you will likely have seen bouncers is on the door at nightclubs, bars, pubs, and music venues. They help to keep the peace and deescalate volatile situations as well as checking IDs and preventing underage individuals from gaining access.

Their responsibilities include:
  • Checking the identification of patrons attempting to enter the venue
  • Keeping the number of people in the venue to a manageable and safe level
  • Keeping queue orderly and calming down any situation that look likely to grow hostile.
  • Removing troublesome individuals from the premises.
  • Ensuring that all of the venues rules regarding behaviour and licensing regulations are maintained in a professional and non-confrontational way if possible.


In order to work as a bounder in the UK, you are required, by law, to hold a valid SIA door supervisor licence. This licence covers all the skills that you could possibly need to deal with the challenges that bouncers face on a daily basis including conflict management, physical intervention, first aid, and more. Some of these are also covered in the SIA security guard training programme, but others are not and should not be confused as the same thing. The use of force, controlled and only when absolutely necessary, is more likely to be required by a bouncer than a security guard, so it is understandable that more conflict related training is needed.

The rise of bed bugs and how to control them

Posted on June 7, 2023June 7, 2023Categories Business
Bed bugs are not a new phenomenon. In fact, they have been plaguing humans for centuries know, infesting their sleeping places and leading to itchy bites, redness, and irritation.

However, in recent times, there has certainly been a surge in the number of bed bug infestations which is a major concern, especially given how much more we now know about bed bugs and the number of different treatment methods and prevention options that are available.

In the 20th century, the rise of insecticides came very close to eradicating bed bugs all-together but unfortunately, they have experienced a real resurgence over the past couple of decades. The exact reason for this is not known for sure, but most experts suggest that it has a connection to the rise in international travel.

For the modern pest exterminator, tackling bed bug infestations makes up a major part of their schedule with the species’ ability to survive and thrive in a variety of different environments making them particularly difficult to deal with.

In this short blog we will explore exactly why this is the case, as well as detailing some of the common signs of a bed bug infestation to watch out for and some top tips of what to do if you believe that you may have one in your own home or business.

How do bed bug infestations spread?

pest control

As we mentioned earlier, global travel is thought to be a significant factor in the rise of bed bugs in the UK. Beg bugs can find their way into suitcases, on clothing, and attach themselves to your belongings, when you stay at a hotel, for example, and hitchhike their way back to your home, where they will spread far and wide.

Given the high turnover of people coming from all over the world, hotels and hostels are particularly susceptible to bed bug infestations. Given the damage that a bed bug infestation can do to the reputation of such establishments, it is vital that if you are the owner or manager of one that you take the appropriate precautions to avoid them, and call a pest control expert to help you do so.

Another reason that the fall of bed bugs was halted, and their rise has been so hard to stop, is due to the overuse of insecticides in the 20th century. As a result of this, bed bugs have developed a resistance to some of the more common insecticides available in the UK making traditional treatment methods far less effective than they once were.

What problems do bed bugs pose?

Bed bug infestations are a real issues for those dealing with them, posing a wide range of different physical and psychological effects. The itchy welts that they leave on your skin are bad enough, but fear of going to sleep at night and the feeling of being trapped inside your own home can take a huge toll on your mental health.

The stress and anxiety associated with facing a bed bug infestation is tremendous for domestic homeowners, and for businesses, their presence does huge damage to both reputation and profitability.

Signs of a bed bug infestation

The sooner bed bugs are discovered the smaller the infestation will be, and the easier it will be to keep it under control. Some of the key indications that you could be dealing with bed bugs include sightings of black dots on your bedding, small itchy bites appearing after a night’s sleep, small blood stains, a strange musty odour, and tiny white flecks underneath the beg or tucked under bedding (eggs).

Professionals also have a number of more advanced detection technologies and techniques that they can use to find out if bed bugs are indeed what is causing your issues.

Tackling a bed bug infestation

If you believe that you have a bed bug infestation, the only sensible step is to call a professional pest control expert immediately. They will have access to numerous eradication methods and know exactly how to destroy your infestation once and for all. Just some of the methods that they may decide to use to do so include fumigation and heat treatment. They may have to take away certain pieces of furniture, or recommend the removal of certain clothes or fabrics in order to ensure all traces of the infestation have definitely been removed and are unable to return.

pest control preston

Once your bed bug infestation has been eradicated, education and best practice is key to ensuring that it never returns. Good hygiene, and a few simple practices, such as keeping your suitcase outside your bedroom once you return from holiday and washing all clothes on a hot wash before storing them away will help to minimise the risk of falling victim to a bed bug infestation.

5 different window designs for your home

Posted on June 6, 2023June 6, 2023Categories blog

The time has come to replace your windows with shiny new ones that will link your home to the outside world for decades to come.

There are many practical things to look for in new windows, from double or triple glazed energy efficient glass helping you save money and reduce emissions to robust locking systems and internal beading that make breaking into your home an almost impossible task.

Whilst functionality is important when choosing replacement windows Glasgow, windows also play a vital part in how your home looks and are a great opportunity to show off your home in the best possible light and demonstrate your sense of style and taste to visitors and passers-by.

Luckily enough, there have never been more window designs and styles available that includes all the security and energy efficiency features that you could possibly ask for.

window designs

When you choose your new windows you no longer need to choose between substance and style, with the right installation company you can have both, in abundance.

Everyone has their own preference when it comes to window style and the best option for you will depend on the nature of your property, the location of the window, and personal taste. To help you with this decision we have created a guide to 6 of the most popular window choices in the UK.

Casement windows

We start off in the most obvious place, with casement windows, a timeless design that is one of the oldest on this list but remains incredibly popular with new window buyers.

Casement windows are incredibly functional and feature a single hinge that allows the window to open from either the side, the top, or the bottom of the frame depending on your property requirements. 

Casement windows have a relatively simply design but it is a highly effective one, offering some of the best energy efficiency ratings of any of the designs on this list.

There are many different variations on the classic casement window that have been developed over the years including double frame French casement windows and top hung windows that are ideal for areas that experience a high amount of rainfall. In fact, many of the other window designs that will; be mentioned below are simply modern variations on the casement window that is widely considered to have revolutionised the window industry.

Tilt and turn windows

Talking of casement window variations, the tilt and turn window is the ultimate flexible and user friendly window design. Unlike the classic casement hinge that allows the window to be opened one way only, the tilt and turn window features an innovative hinge system that can be opened either from the top or the side depending on the conditions and what you need your window for at that time.

Unlike casement windows, tilt and turn windows are opened inwards, great for cleaning but not so ideal if you have limited inside space.

French windows

If it is style and class you are looking for in your windows, look no further. The concept of French windows is the same as French doors with two windows fitted to either side of a single frame that can be opened at the same time or individually.

With no centre frame this creates a wonderful uninterrupted vista when both windows are fully opened, and the large gap allows the window to be used as a fire escape if needed. With two sperate openings that can be adjusted to your heart’s content French windows give you complete control over the ventilation of your property whilst a tight seal means there will be a very low risk of draughts or heat loss when the windows are in the closed position.


Bay windows

Bay windows adds a huge amount of character and style to any property, extending out from the exterior wall and acting as an eye-catching feature on any house type.

Bay windows are popular on traditional and period properties but look equally fantastic on modern properties, providing panoramic views and creating cosy alcoves that can be fitted with window seats or similar features to enhance both the inside and outside of your home.

Sliding windows

Vertical sliding windows (Sash) have gone somewhat out of fashion in recent years due to a rise in more practical window designs less prone to becoming stiff or stuck over the years.

However, modern sliding windows are designed to be smooth and seamless and open sideways rather than vertically, allowing for easier operation and perfectly matching the modern aesthetic of a contemporary home.

If you are having a garden party or summer picnic, having a sliding window connecting your kitchen to your garden means you can easily use the unit as a serving hatch to pass food and beverage between the two.

What to do if your boiler breaks down

Posted on June 6, 2023June 6, 2023Categories Business

Boiler breakdowns are annoying and seriously inconvenient at the best of times, but should they occur during the winter, or involving a gas leak, they can also be extremely dangerous and it is essential to take swift action to protect your home and loved ones.

Boiler repairs can be expensive, but the cost of failing to tackle problems before they escalate is far worse, and the cost of your family’s safety is priceless. By using an experienced Gas Safe engineer to perform boiler repairs you ensure that any repairs are conducted safely and legally and that your gas boiler is firing on all cylinders once again in no time at all.

Read on to discover exactly what to do in the event that your gas boiler breaks down.

gas boiler breakdown

Staying safe during a boiler breakdown

In the majority of cases a broken boiler will simply not turn on at all or will fail to produce the pressure required to meet the heat requirements of your home. Whilst this is annoying, especially during the winter months, as long as you have plenty of blankets about there is no serious threat posed to you or other residents and you can simply wait it out under a gas Safe Engineer arrives.

However, in rare instances, boiler issues requiring boiler repair Glasgow services can present serious health and safety issues and should be treated extremely carefully as a result. Unfortunately, the issues that have the potential to do the most harm, namely gas and carbon monoxide leaks, are the hardest to pot and you will need to look out for some more subtle indications that a problem exists, rather than your hot water tap simply not working.

Modern boilers are fitted with a range of highly effective safety features built in to prevent safety issues but if you have an older boiler or do not have your boiler serviced on a regular basis, it is important to know the signs of danger you need to look for.

The moment that you smell gas inside your home, turn off the boiler immediately, leave the property and call the Gas Emergency service. In Scotland the number for this service is 0800 002 001.

If you experience any of the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, headaches, dizziness, nausea, etc. with no obvious cause, you should also have your boiler examined to check for a potential leak. In order to guard against carbon monoxide leaks make sure that you have a fully operational carbon monoxide detector in place.

If your boiler breaks down in a more conventional manner, due to a faulty part or lack of pressure during the colder months of winter, you may have to wait a certain amount of time for a Gas Safe engineer to have the availability to come and repair it. After all this is by far their busiest time of the year. Staying safe and warm during the winter, especially for the elderly, is a challenge at the best of times but without a boiler you need to be particularly careful. Without central heating, add extra layers of clothing, leave your curtains closed even during the day to retain heat, and if you think things are getting out of control, move to a friend or family member’s house, or rent a hotel room until the issues have been resolved.

Who should you get to fix your boiler?

boiler repair

DIY boiler repair is not only dangerous, attempting it will likely invalidate any warranty or insurance that you have. If you do indeed still have a warranty on your boiler, the details of who to call in the event of a breakdown should be stated in the paperwork.

If not, check the Gas Safe Register for details of local heating engineers in your area with the skills, qualifications, and experience to carry out the repairs required. Appearing on the register is a good indication that an engineer is safe to use but make sure to check their identity card when they arrive to ensure they are who they say they are and have the required licencing to perform repairs on gas appliances.

Before an engineer visits, give them as much information about the problems you are having and the make and model of your boiler as possible. They may well be able to help you diagnose or even fix your problems over the phone but if not, this information will allow them to bring the tools and parts they expect to need with them on their first visit, reducing the risk of further delays whilst they order them in.

They will also let you know if they believe that the problems you are dealing with pose a safety threat and whether or not you need to leave the property.

How to protect a construction site from theft

Posted on March 30, 2023March 30, 2023Categories Business
Construction site projects can take weeks, months, or even years to complete, during which time a huge amount of materials, tools, and equipment will be used and left on site.

Unfortunately, whilst this is a must if a project is to remain on schedule and budget, it means that construction sites are common targets of theft, which ironically poses an even greater threat to the project’s schedule and budget.

building site theft

Missing equipment and the cost of replacing lost goods is a serious threat to the construction industry and failing to take action could put the very future of your firm at risk.

Luckily, there are some relatively simple ways for construction companies to protect themselves against theft and keep their equipment, tools, vehicles, and materials safe.

Even more luckily, we have compiled a list of some of the most effective in this article, giving you all the information you need to keep your site secure.

What assets are most at risk?

In order to build an effective security strategy, you first need to identify the key assets that require the most attention.

On construction sites, the main things that are appealing targets to criminals include:

  • Tools – Handheld tools are easy to leave lying around, relatively easy for a thief to hide upon their person, and surprisingly expensive. It can also take a while before you notice that the odd tool here and there has gone missing, by which time finding the culprit will be much harder to identify.
  • Vehicles – It may sound far-fetched but if vehicles are left fully fuelled, and even worse with the keys left in the ignition, thieves have been known to make off with tractors, diggers, and a variety of other heavy vehicles.
  • Materials – Timber, brick, and particularly metals such as copper can be incredibly expensive and hold high resale value, meaning that whilst they are being installed you should pay particular attention to their storage and protection.

7 tips for protecting your construction site from theft

Stopping theft taking place on your site is a major step towards a smooth hassle free construction project.

Following these 7 key tips will help you to deter potential trespassers and make it extremely difficult to steal from your site.

1)    Store tools and equipment properly

You would be shocked to learn just how many construction site thefts could have been avoided simply by equipment being stored away correctly after use.

If you know that you will need a tool again the next day it may be tempting to simply leave it in the area ready for tomorrow but ensuring you return it to the locked container where it belongs is the safest option.

2)    Screen Employees thoroughly

No one likes to think that their employees are capable of stealing from them but workplace theft is a very real threat and conducting background checks on your employees before you hire them is a good way to minimise this risk.

3)    Install fencing

Fencing at least 2m in height should be installed around your construction site. This might not prevent a determined criminal from gaining access but it will put off the opportunistic thief and will make it a lot harder for someone to get inside without being detected.

4)    Keep your site well lit

Keep the property well lit during the night so that there are fewer places for an intruder to hide should they gain access.

5)    Lock all vehicles

Sometimes the easiest steps are the most effective and simply making sure to lock up the vehicles stored on your site overnight is enough to put off thieves.

6)    Consider manned guarding

Despite CCTV towers, biometric access control gates, and other security technologies surging in popularity in recent times, the traditional security guard remains one of the most effective ways to prevent criminal activity from taking place.

Not only will their presence alone scare off many criminals from even attempting to target you, but they are also highly trained to deal with those who do. Security guards will also give you helpful advice on ways that you can improve your security systems, monitor CCTV, check the identifications of staff and visitors at the front gate, and generally make your site a much safer place to be.

7)    Install CCTV

Construction sites can be vast and are always busy and spotting suspicious activity can be challenging. Having an extensive building site CCTV system in place will allow you to monitor your entire site from a single location, or even from your mobile device. Footage from your building site CCTV cameras can help the police to catch and convict thieves if they do manage to get on site and live feeds can be used by your security team to identify and intercept them in the act.

What is Dispute Resolution?

Posted on June 10, 2022June 10, 2022Categories Business
alternative dispute resolution

Frequently used in both commercial and private law cases, the meaning of dispute resolution is not difficult to imagine.

In its most basic form, the term refers to any method used to resolve a dispute of any kind between two parties. At www.oraclelaw.com, we provide legal advice for all forms of ADR, including expert representation in arbitration cases.

What becomes slightly more complicated, however, is that there are many different forms of resolution to consider, each of which has its own range of factors to consider including cost, speed of outcome, obligation, and confidentiality.

These are the various forms of dispute resolution that are most commonly used in the UK:

Pre-action discussions

Resolving a dispute before any formal process has begun is by far the most cost-effective approach for all parties involved.

This is known as pre-action meaning that both parties are committed to finding an agreement to their issues without pursuing litigation or any more formal proceedings.

Pre-action discussions will usually involve parties meeting together either with or without legal representation to discuss the details associated with the case and attempt to find a middle-ground.

It is not a requirement to have a solicitor in place for pre-action discussions but if one party does have legal representation it is recommended that all other parties involved also seek expert advice before agreeing to any resolution.

If it is at all possible for a dispute to be settled in this manner it is highly beneficial for all parties as they will save a huge amount of money on court fees and arbitrator/mediator fees as well as not having the issue hanging over their heads for months on end.


Mediation at its core is a process where parties come together with an independent third party present to attempt to resolve a dispute.

For mediation to be successful, both parties must engage fully in the process including doing preparatory work, and will be bound by any agreement that comes as a result.

During mediation documents will be shared and presented by both parties and any verbal and written communication will remain completely confidential and cannot be used as evidence should the case go to court or arbitration in the future.

Mediation is a much less formal version of litigation or arbitration whilst still resulting in a legally binding settlement agreement.

The role of the mediator themselves is to simply facilitate discussion and they have no power to make decisions and should not push for a certain outcome.

If a settlement agreement is made through arbitration, only for one of the parties to fail to comply, it is possible for legal action to be taken against them.

Given that mediation agreements are the result of extensive negotiation and both parties must agree to the resolution before it becomes binding, however, in the vast majority of situations, both parties will comply with the settlement made.


Arbitration is a more formal form of dispute resolution than mediation or pre-action discussion.

The process of arbitration is actually very similar to litigation with the main difference being that findings will be made much faster than would be the case if the dispute went to court.

All the parties involved in a dispute will submit details of the case to an independent arbitrator who will examine all the documents and details of the dispute before delivering their decision.

Unlike litigation, arbitration is private and confidential meaning that is often the preferred method in commercial settings where companies wish to keep private issues private.

If you are entering into arbitration, it is wise to have a solicitor representing you as the formal process of compiling and disclosing evidence is complex and mistakes could be detrimental to your chances of achieving a satisfactory outcome.

Arbitral awards are legally enforceable in the same way as a court judgement would be and can only be overturned through litigation.


As a final resort, where alternative methods of dispute resolution have proved unsuccessful, the only way to resolve a dispute may be through the formal process of litigation.

Litigation involves utilising the civil legal system to resolve a dispute through the courts.

The limitations of this method include the high cost of taking a case to court and a complete lack of control over the time-scale involved.

When preparing for a litigation case your solicitor and you will be required to abide by a strict set of guidelines set out by the court which will dictate deadlines and required actions of each party leading up to and during the court date.

Whilst it is possible to represent yourself in a litigation case, it is highly recommended that you use a dispute resolution solicitor to guide you through the complex legal process and represent you in court.

Unlike other dispute resolution methods, legal proceedings are not private, and this is something to consider before proceeding with the case.

How can a Criminal Solicitor Help You?

Posted on March 29, 2022March 29, 2022Categories Business

If you have been accused of a crime of any sort, it is crucial that you consult with a criminal defence lawyer.

You may think that you can adequately represent yourself, or as you are only accused of a minor misdemeanour it is not worth contacting a professional law firm, but this is far from the case.

Many people look back in years to come and wish they had taken a different approach to their criminal case for a number of different reasons, many of which were avoidable.

A criminal record can make finding a job, starting a business, or acquiring a loan extremely difficult, even for the most innocuous of crimes.

Given that using a professional criminal defence lawyer significantly increases the chances of acquittal, it is always worth consulting one to give yourself the best chance of avoiding a permanent record.

Many people are unsure what a criminal defence lawyer actually does, as Scotland’s criminal law firm, at Aamer Anwar we have put together this guide explaining just what a defence solicitor can do to help those accused of a crime.

Navigating the Legal Process

Many people requiring the assistance of a criminal defence lawyer have never before been accused of a criminal offence and may not be aware of the often complex to understand nature of the legal system.

It is the responsibility of a criminal defence lawyer to ensure that their client understands exactly what is going on at every stage.

If accused of a crime your lawyer should make sure you are aware of the situation that you are in, explaining your options and making recommendations as to the best course of action based upon their years of experience in the industry.

They will also explain the consequences of accepting a plea bargain or settlement offered by the prosecution that whilst appealing attractive, may contain clauses or complications that cause trouble down the line.

The value of having a professional eye going through any legal documents with a fine tooth comb and explaining exactly what you are getting yourself into is an invaluable tool in this scenario.

Negotiating on your behalf

When all is said and done the job of a criminal defence lawyer Glasgow is to ensure that you are able to achieve the best possible outcome based upon the specifics of the case.

Whether this is a complete acquittal, settling out of court, avoiding a custodial sentence, or reducing your jail time upon appeal, a lawyer will fight all the way on your behalf, leaving no doubt that every possible avenue was explored.

To do this, lawyers must be expert negotiators, often working against the odds to do deals that favour their clients with prosecutors, or to convince a judge to be more lenient in their sentencing.

Instead of consulting with a professional, some people decide to embark on the legal process alone, often leading to them being overwhelmed with opposing lawyers taking advantage of their lack of experience to seek longer harsher sentences that were necessary.

For this reason, it is highly recommended that you also seek the negotiating expertise of a respected criminal defence lawyer the moment you are accused of a crime of any kind.

Investigating your case

A criminal defence lawyer should be able to get a good idea of the details associated with a case simply by talking to their client, but their investigation shouldn’t stop there.

Attention to detail is everything when it comes to criminal law and going through all the detail of the case and the evidence provided by the prosecution is crucial to building an effective defence.

Investigating a case can involve finding new witnesses, questioning existing witnesses, and generally exploring every avenue that may be used to help acquit their client.

Many cases are thrown out almost as soon as they have begun thanks to the investigative efforts of a defence lawyer who locates new evidence or information that undermines the evidence forming the foundations of the prosecution.

Finding a criminal defence lawyer who is renowned for their attention to detail and in-depth investigative skills is, therefore, a vital part of searching for the best legal representation available.

Contact Aamer Anwar & Co

Aamer Anwar & Co are Scotland’s highest profile law firm with a team of award winning lawyers offering unrivalled criminal defence services to a huge range of customers every year.

We know just how traumatising and stressful being detained or questioned by the police can be so the wellbeing of our clients is always our biggest priority, and no case is too big or too small for us to handle.

We are open 24/7 365 days of the year meaning that if you need us, we will always be there to help, with experienced lawyers primed to help those facing criminal charges.

For more information on our services or to book your legal consultation, today contact us by phone on 0141 429 7090, or by email at office@aameranwar.com